In case of missing item in the baggage, please contact the baggage assistance service of the arrival airport to receive a report of missing items.
We kindly ask you to submit a claim to customer service by filling in the form available on our website at the following link:
An acknowledgement of receipt, containing the reference of your request, will be sent to you automatically.
Once you have received the acknowledgement of receipt, please send a message to using the same subject line as the acknowledgement of receipt you received, and enclosing the following documents:

  • La segnalazione di irregolarità accertata in aeroporto al vostro arrivo (DPR)
  • La matrice di identificazione del bagaglio (TAG)
  • La fattura per il bagaglio danneggiato (o una fattura di stima o di riparazione).
  • Foto del bagaglio danneggiato con l'etichetta del bagaglio (TAG).