Royal Air Maroc joined the international United for Wildlife Taskforce

Royal Air Maroc is pleased to announce that it has officially joined the international United for Wildlife Taskforce by signing the Buckingham Palace Declaration on 25 April 2023. This declaration aims to promote collaboration between different sectors to prevent the transport, financing and exploitation of products from the illegal wildlife trade.

The taskforce is the result of a global initiative launched in 2014 by Prince William and the Royal Foundation to help preserve wildlife. It is also closely supported by His Majesty King Charles III of the United Kingdom.

As a member of the Taskforce and signing party to the Declaration, Royal Air Maroc is committed to contributing to global wildlife conservation efforts, namely by:
• Adopting a zero tolerance policy towards illegal wildlife trade.
• Raising awareness among passengers, customers and staff about the issues and consequences of the illegal wildlife trade.
• Promoting the Declaration and its commitments within the transport sector, and encouraging others to sign up.

As a member of the Taskforce, Royal Air Maroc reaffirms its position towards the preservation of wildlife, and its willingness to align itself with global efforts contributing towards this end".