Select your destination and your travel dates 

  • Book for up to nine passengers
  • Book  within a minimum 4 hours before the flight departure and a maximum of 12 months before the date of the return trip.
  • Select between the different payment options for your convenience
  • You can also book trips with more than one destination
  • Be sure to indicate your mobile numbers and e-mail addresses that you will be using throughout your journey. We can then keep you informed in real time of any changes to your flight.

* When purchasing a return ticket, the fare conditions of the most restrictive class will be applied throughout the itinerary when requesting a refund

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Achetez vos billets avec Royal Air Maroc et gagnez des miles sur chaque vol. Vous pouvez convertir vos miles en billets primes, en surclassement en classe affaires, en excédent de bagages, en frais de changement de billet pour un billet payé ou en d'autres avantages auprès de nos partenaires aériens et non aériens